Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Thrifted Chair Makeover

While getting our house ready to put on the market I realized I NEEDED a chair in the master bedroom.  So, off to the thrift stores I went.  I found this chair at my favorite thrift store, Our Thrift Store.  This is my first time redoing a chair and I was excited to get right to work.  
 So this is where I started out.  A dirty, yucky green chair that looks like it's seen it's fair chair of business meetings. 
Can you see that price tag? $16.99.  Can't beat it!

I started by taking it apart.  The seat was pretty easy, just flipped it over and unscrewed it.  The back was a little more tricky.  I couldn't figure out how to get to the screws.  

 So, I just took my screwdriver and tried to pop out the little wood piece.  To my surprise it worked!  Some were a bit stubborn but they all came out.

Try to keep up with which screw went where.  I put all small pieces in a baggie until it was time to put the chair back together.  

After taking it apart I cleaned it with steel wool.  This chair was an inch thick with nasty.  So it got a major scrub.

And then it got a light sanding with a sanding block.  Nothing crazy.  I like things easy and simple.

 Now on to the good stuff.  Spray paint!  I sure do love this stuff.  And more than the paint I LOVE my spray paint handle deal.  Pretty sure it was like $5 and I have used it countless times.  Keeps the fingertips nice and happy!  So, I first used a primer.
The plan was to do a stressed look.  I hadn't found my fabric yet and thought I was going to go shabby chic.  Which is why I started with the white.

 I read somewhere (I wish I could remember where!) To use petroleum jelly where you want your piece to be distressed.  Since I have an 18 month old I just went right into his room and tried it out.  I stuck my finger in and wiped it on the edged of the chair in various places.
 On to the main color.
 This is what an area with the jelly looked like before wiping it off.  I just used a towel and wiped the whole chair down good.
 I was happy with how it turned out, until I found my fabric.  I fell in love with the fabric, but thought it needed a more finished look.  I took the chair frame back outside and painted it one more time.
 This would be the least enjoyable part of the whole project.  Getting the old fabric off was a PAIN!  And felt so gross.  Ugh.
I used several different methods for pulling out the staples.  A screwdriver, pliers, yelling to name a few.  I ended up with work gloves on after popping the screwdriver into my hand several times.

Once the fabric is off you have a nice template for your new fabric.  At this point I also took the foam seat and sprayed soaked it with fabric refresher.  I also had batting left over from another project so I cut a piece to make the seat just a little more comfy.

Isn't this fabric the best?  I kinda want to eat it.  But that's another story.  I got it at my new favorite fabric store, Dickson's Vacuum and Sewing Center.  I got 2 yards for $15!  FYI it took less than 1 yard.  I wanted extra just in case I may want to do another chair later.  Since I was using both hands I don't have pictures of putting the new fabric on the seat.  It's a simple process.  Cut the fabric a little larger than your template (the old fabric).  Lay the seat on top and pull up one side to staple, then the opposite side.  The do the other side then last side.  Then just pull tight and staple all the way around.

 I popped the seat back into the chair frame to admire. (This is also when I decided to repaint the chair.)
 So, getting the back recovered was a little bit more complicated.  The old fabric was made up of two pieces that were sewed together.  I didn't really want to, but I seam ripped the two pieces apart and cut out the two pieces and ran to the sewing machine.  Made a quick stitch to replicate the old fabric.  I wrapped it around the chair back and did all the stapling on the sides.  Same place I took the staples out.
 I just set the back in to admire before all the finishing touches.  I did need help from the hubs to screw it back together.  My arms just weren't long enough to get the pressure I needed to do it alone.
 And there you have it.  A sitting area in my bedroom!
Chair: $17
1 yard of Fabric: $7.50
Paint: $5 (estimate)
Total cost: $29.50

I love to be inspired! I hope you are inspired too!